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Important Made in USA Origin Disclaimer: For certain items, the displayed country of origin information may not be accurate or consistent with manufacturer information. For updated, accurate country of origin data, it is recommended that you rely on product packaging or manufacturer information. The Hamilton Beach Black Hand Mixer with Snap-On Case is a must-have appliance for every active kitchen. Well equipped to take care of all your mixing jobs, this sleek, black Hamilton Beach mixer has six different speed settings. From silky cake batter to the toughest cookie dough, you can mix it all with the Hamilton Beach Hand Mixer with Snap-On Case. With 250-watts of power and a QuickBurst feature, quick and perfect mixing every time. With an individual whisk attachment and traditional beaters, this attractive Hamilton hand mixer lets you finish off your mixing job in a flash. With its accompanying snap-on storage case for instant storage, the Hamilton Beach Black Hand Mixer is an exceptional value.