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No matter how you spell it (chamois, shammy, shamie, sammy, chamie, shamee) the Flow Swim Chamois is a great replacement for bulky cotton towels in your swim bag. It saves space in your swim backpack, absorbs more water than traditional towels, and can be reused between races and dives after wringing out. Included is a storage tube that will keep the swim towel damp and prevent it from drying out. On the bottom of the tube is a small hole to allow excess water to drain out.Our swim chamois is ideal around the pool for swimmers and divers, but has many other uses as well. It won't scratch so it's awesome for drying cars, boats and other vehicles. And it's a great space saver for backpackers, hikers, and travelers. Go ahead, choose a color and click Add to Cart to get yours!Here are some tips to properly care for your swim chamois so you get the most out of it:If you are using your chamois regularly at the pool, wring it out and store damp in tube.If you are not using your chamois regularly, do not store damp in tube. Instead, allow it to dry completely. When you are ready to use your chamois again, soak in water until completely saturated then carefully unfold.