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To start california kings, spread cards face-down around a large cup. draw in clockwise order. a "drink" is a normal sip. ace - social - he/she who draws proposes a toast and everyone drinks. 2-6 - black (clubs & spades) - consume the card's value in drinks. 2-6 - red (hearts & diamonds) - give the card's value in drinks. the total may be split-up between multiple players. 7 - waterfall - everybody begins to chug. you can't stop until the person to your right has stopped. he/she who draws may stop first. 8 - thumb master - he/she who draws puts his/her thumb on the table. the last person to do so drinks. 9 - rhyme - he/she who draws says a sentence. the person to his/her left must rhyme with the last word in the original sentence. this continues in clockwise order. rhyming words may not be repeated. if you repeat a word or can't think of one, you drink. 10 - category - he/she who draws thinks of a category, like "simpsons characters." then, he/she says one, like "homer." then, the person to his/her left must think of another one, like "bart." this continues in clockwise order. if you repeat an item or can't think of one, you drink. jack - guys drink - a toast is often included. queen - ladies drink - a toast is often included. king - we don't call it "kings" for nothing. he/she who draws the first, second and third king pours some of his/her drink into the "large cup" and comes up with a rule that must be obeyed for the rest of the game, like "no showing your teeth" or "no saying 'drink,' 'drank' or 'drunk'." anyone in violation of a rule drinks. he/she who draws the fourth king must pound the contents of the "large cup." drawing the fourth king marks the end of the game. note: drawing the fourth king is a fate worse than death if there are a combination of beverages in the "large cup," like beer, wine cooler and vodka. in fact, some players insist that only beer be poured into the cup; but they don't have the love for the game.