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Modern dentistry is devoting much effort towardpreventing and removing the cause of disease, as wellas repairing damage after bad habits have caused decay of the teeth. Medical men assert that many of the infectious and contagious diseases find their beginning in unclean oral conditions. Disease contributes toward poverty and crime. In any community where right living conditions arepracticed, poverty and disease decrease. People are very much interested in their own wel-- fare, and are anxious to know of anything that will aid them in preserving their health and good appearance. Unfortunately, many people neglect or avoid seeking dental advice and aid until pain prompts them to call on the dentist. Often serious damage has been done, which it may be too late to remedy. The time to begin the care of the teeth is in infancy.: The children are not responsible for the neglected state of their teeth. The careless or ignorant parent, is to blame for the condition. Diseased conditions put a handicap on the child, retarding mental and physical development. School teachers are doing a good work in teaching.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at