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STBJ has only one mission, to give the color blind community the ability to see the true beauty of the world. Before you put your order: Please kindly understand that colorblindness is NOT a uniform disease. Colorblindness is caused by mutations in the color sensoring transmembrane proteins located on the cone cells in your retina. This mutation might occur in different cone cells, or in different amino acid residues in a protein of the same cone cells. In other words, the disabled spectrum windows and the severance may be totally different from person to person. Therefore, different people may have different experiences with the same pair of glasses. With all these said, please kindly spend some time in selecting the right lens. If a specific lens type does not help you, you might try other lenses. Our products are designed in the USA and produced with the most advanced technology. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message our customer representatives.