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Have you always admired the majestic beauty of the Nordic landscapes? Now you can save on air tickets and live with your very own Icelandic scene in your aquarium. Recreate the lush knolls of Iceland, the zen gardens of Japan or even the hills of New Zealand with Luffy Moss Carpet. The fluffier and finer in texture in comparison to other moss carpets that are available out in the market, the lush green moss carpet by Luffy gives any aquascape a beautiful, refined finish. Betta fish will love navigating towards the softer, finer feel of this Marimo moss. You'll notice your betta or guppies playing and rolling about on the Luffy Moss Carpet, to help calm and reduce their stress. Your Luffy Moss Carpet, measures 3.5" by 2" (9 cm by 5 cm), is flexible and curves to cover any surface; from gravel floors, rock walls to sculptural shapes and driftwood. Depending on the size of your space, you can tie some of these to metal meshes and onto any surface you wish. Over time, watch as your Marimo Moss Carpet grows and spreads over the surface into a beautiful, breathtaking aquascape.