Being Ethel: (In a world that loves Lucy)

Product ID : 45380472

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About Being

Product Description 1979 is getting on Piper Penn’s nerves. Struggling to survive past tragedies, she finds comfort in Old Hollywood movies in her native San Francisco. Seeing no reason to adhere to man-made rules after her first-hand look at the ultimate in hypocrisy, Piper does what she wants, and trouble follows. An unexpected inheritance on a tiny Midwest island in the Straits of Mackinac provides an escape. The mandated stay at the island’s glorious Grand Hotel gives her spirits a much-needed boost, especially when she catches the eye of a handsome groundskeeper. Taking part as an extra during the filming of the island movie Somewhere in Time adds to her excitement about this turn in her life. When mysterious accusations and headstrong residents send her into a tailspin, she finds friendship from a quirky, I Love Lucy loving nun who challenges her embittered look at life and faith. Can Piper survive the baffling attempts to derail her inheritance before it’s too late or has she fallen for a well-planned ruse while falling in love? “What happens when you combine a love of Lucy, Nora Ephron, Old Hollywood, and the desire for true faith? You embark on an unforgettable 1979 journey to magical, Mackinac Island.” – Author, Michele Olson, Being Ethel (In a world that loves Lucy) Review From Judges Commentary, 28th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards Author creates an immediate connection for the reader, with both a conversational tone of bright energy and humor (an unbeatable combination!) "If weasels spoke, this is what they would sound like" cements our connection to the book and interest in the author. That's great humor and the perfect way to begin a book referencing two female humor icons. Well done! I loved the use of classic movies and songs as a way to capture some of the magic and sound of that era, and we get great character depth to the author, knowing how much she loves it all. We're fully hooked in and if reader loves these classic films as well, the connection is even greater. Excellent use of setting and sensory details. Author provides a logical premise to get to Mackinac Island, and creates a reality that puts us there. Excellent work! Well-time danger, constant exciting flow of story, excellent dialogue patterns and character differentiation. The end delivers satisfying impacts - a powerhouse lesson delivered at the end of the boo, And when that happens, everything in the book shines even more. Very well done. From the Back Cover 1979 is gettingon Piper Penn's nerves. Struggling to survive past tragedies, she findscomfort in Old Hollywood movies in her native San Francisco. Seeing no reason toadhere to man-made rules after her first-hand look at the ultimate inhypocrisy, Piper does what she wants, and trouble follows. An unexpectedinheritance on a tiny Midwest island in the Straits of Mackinac provides anescape. The mandated stay at the island's glorious Grand Hotel gives herspirits a much-needed boost, especially when she catches the eye of ahandsome groundskeeper. Taking part as an extra during the filming of theisland movie Somewhere in Time adds to her excitement about this turn inher life. When mysteriousaccusations and headstrong residents send her into a tailspin, she findsfriendship from a quirky, I Love Lucy loving nun who challenges herembittered look at life and faith. Can Piper survive the baffling attempts toderail her inheritance before it's too late or has she fallen for awell-planned ruse while falling in love? "What happens when youcombine a love of Lucy, Nora Ephron, Old Hollywood, and the desire for truefaith? You embark on an unforgettable 1979 journey to magical, Mackinac Island."                               - Author, Michele Olson, Being Ethel (In a world that loves Lucy) About the Author Michèle Olson has an over-forty-year career in advertising and marketing as a writer in all mediums, with an emphasis in health writing. She has also enjoyed a pr