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Product Description Introducing the thought of philosopher and theologian Jean-Yves Lacoste, this book provides an overview spanning Lacoste's earliest works on sacramentality to his latest work Etre en Danger (2011) in which Lacoste opens up the liturgical experience onto a spiritual experience of life. Schrijvers unfolds the logic of what Lacoste calls 'the liturgical experience' from its violent variety in Expérience et Absolu to the logic of love and love's possibility as it is developed in the later works. Throughout the book, the focus is on Lacoste's dialogue with Heidegger and through this his attempt to widen the scope of phenomenology to include the phenomenality of the divine. Review 'It is impossible in the compass of such a brief review to illustrate the extraordinary care with which Schrijvers analyses Lacoste’s approach and the sense and implications of his terminology. Even those very familiar with Lacoste’s work will find here considerable help in elucidating his meaning. So the book can only be described as excellent...' Journal of Theological Studies 'We are indebted to Schrijvers for a well-argued and bold account of the work of a remarkable figure in contemporary Continental thought whose influence will only continue to grow, not least because of this major book.' Modern Theology ’By putting Lacoste in conversation, Schrijvers has made it possible for a wide range of readers to converse with Lacoste, making this introduction as engaging as it is informative.’ Religious Studies Review About the Author Joeri Schrijvers is working as a postdoctoral researcher of the fund for scientific research-Flanders at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Leuven. He is a member of the research group 'Theology in a Postmodern Context'. He is the author of Ontotheological Turnings? The Decentering of the Modern Subject in Recent French Phenomenology (SUNY, 2011) and has published numerous articles on Jean-Luc Nancy and Reiner Schürmann.