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Is EASY! Increases flossing compliance up to 80% · Is SAFE! Patent pending structure uses the tooth's anatomy to floss correctly, eliminating worry of damaging wires and brackets while flossing. · Is QUICK! No threading required, you can floss your entire mouth in less than 2 minutes. · Is UNIQUE! The only flosser with the innovative structure which fits under the arch wire, between teeth, and up into the gum line. Toothbrush Designed to be effective when used in a manner that most patients actually use a toothbrush. Eliminates re-training! Inner bristles 2mm shorter for better adaptation over brackets and archwires. Inner MEDIUM bristles assist with better cleaning of stainless or resin appliances. SOFT outer bristles angled/curved inwards. This assists in bristles folding inwards, focusing on areas where the brackets meet the anatomy as well as behind the archwires. This is the area where over 85% of decalcification and decay occur while wearing braces. Affordable! Silicone grips designed for maximum comfort and ease of use.