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Product Description These 20 postcards are a declaration of love to the city of light. Lapin, sketcher and illustrator, offers a sample of his talent to capture those big little moments of a popular and vivacious Paris, full of historic contrasts and far away from any predictable clichés. From the terrace of a small café, with his water colours and his vintage accounting book turned into a drawing notepad, the artist contemplates the everyday life of the busy Parisians. His drawings show us a very personal urban landscape, a Paris of rendezvous, of tucked away corners, of bistro menus and walks by the Seine. Lapin shares with the world the unique perspective of an artist in love with his city and presents us with the genuine and eternal spirit of Paris. From the Author Lapin est un illustrateur, artiste et dessinateur urbain français installé à Barcelone. Il peut être défini comme un illustrateur nomade, qui transporte son carnet de croquis et son matériel de dessin dans la rue, dans un bar, dans un métro, à Istanbul ou à Tokyo. Dessiner est pour lui un moyen de se souvenir de chaque seconde de sa vie et de se sentir vivant. Il peut dessiner assis par terre pendant des heures ou avec une bière à la main ou simplement en l'espace d'un arrêt de métro. Lapin a déjà rempli environ 160 carnets de dessins au cours de 13 dernières années et apprécie particulièrement de dessiner sur de vieux carnets de comptabilité des années 70 qu'il trouve dans les marchés aux puces. Selon Lapin, un bon carnet de dessins doit contenir deux choses: quelques gribouillages de dinosaures et des voitures anciennes. En plus de capturer les instants de sa vie dans des carnets, il enseigne également l'art de dessiner dans des ateliers organisés dans des universités ou écoles d'art et participe à des expositions à travers l'Europe. Lapin a publié différents carnets de dessins sur Cuba, le Japon, Istanbul, Barcelone et Carcassonne. About the Author Lapin is a French illustrator, an artist, a French urban sketcher based in Barcelona. He can be defined as a mobile illustrator who carries his sketchbook and his compact sketching gear to the street, to a bar, to a metro, to Istanbul or Tokyo. Sketching is a way for him to record every second of his life and feel alive. He can sketch sitting on a floor for hours or just having a beer in his hand or just during one metro stop. Lapin already filled around 160 sketchbooks for the last 13 years and he particularly appreciates sketching on vintage accounting books from the 70s which he finds in flea markets. According to the artist a good sketchbook must contain two things; some doodles of dinosaurs and vintage cars. Besides capturing his life in his sketchbooks he also teaches art of "sketching" during workshops in universities, in art schools and participates exhibitions around Europe. Lapin has published several sketchbooks about Cuba, Japan, Istanbul, Barcelona and Carcassonne.