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In this one-hour history book, discover the life of Iconic Spain leader, Francisco Franco, from beginning to end.Between 1914 and 1918, the entire world was at war. Spain, however, remained neutral, still reeling from the Spanish–American War, the bloody Rif War in North Africa, and revolts such as la Semana Trágica of 1909. In 1939, the world once again picked up arms for a second war, and once again, Spain did not actively participate.This time the country was recovering from an intense civil war that had shaken it to the core, a war between traditionalist monarchists who felt that their leadership, their established way of life, and Spain’s very morality was under threat and liberal ideologues who were riding the new wave of progressive politics that had washed over most of Europe.In the course of this civil war, a man would rise from the upper echelons of the army to become the Caudillo. He would go on to survive World War II and be recognized by the Allies, despite the fact that he had sided with the Axis. He would even enjoy a dalliance with the new world superpower, the United States of America. His regime would start off as strictly authoritarian, but by the end of his era, Spain would be one of the most progressive countries in Europe.This man was Francisco Franco, a military man from a military family.Discover the life of this man of power that change the course of not only Spain but of the World from his birth in 1892 to his death in 1975. After reading this one-hour biography of Franco’s life, you will know everything about this iconic dictator of Spain that changed the course of history.Download FREE with Kindle Unlimited!Scroll back up and click the Buy Now button located on the right side of this page.