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We mentioned previously that scientific breakthroughs are irresistible to us and we can’t help but pursue them. Get your scientific brain on for a moment, and allow us to explain why we’ve coined this nut butter “The World’s Lowest Calorie, All Natural Peanut Butter” Professor Nutz uses the power of natural fiber to create the world’s lowest calorie peanut butter. Fiber binds TO fat! NATURAL FIBER Professor Nutz is the first peanut butter to incorporate added natural fibers that helps your metabolism work better. FIBER AND FAT - THE SCIENCE Everyone absorbs fat to different degrees. What you eat with fat can help digest less fat. Fiber can bind with fat and helps fat to pass the gut undigested. At Professor Nutz We found a unique natural fiber that binds more fat and helps more fat the gut undigested. DIGESTIBILITY CORRECTED! Digestibility Corrected is necessary due to the use of 100% all natural plant extract that reduce the digestibility of carbohydrates and fats. Processed on equipment that also packages product(s) that may contain nuts, eggs, wheat flour, dairy. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.