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Large 9.1" x 16.8" Size
Lightweight hydro knit fabric
Handy Just One dispenser box puts wipes at your fingertips
White color
Each box contains 126 wipers
Kimberly-Clark WYPALL X60 wipers bring the absorbing power of Hydro knit technology to a light weight wiper, combining versatile performance for light-duty tasks. The new Just One dispenser port is designed to be easier to use and more efficient with One-At-A-Time dispensing. Designed to reduce waste, these wipes save you money. Grab these Kimberly Clark wipes today and see the hard-working difference for yourself with the world's leading wiper brand. The Terri Reinforced Wipers X60 sheets are 12.5" x 16.8" in size. Each dispenser box contains 126 wipers.