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Best Price & Quality for a 100KHz-1.7GHz Full Band UV HF RTL-SDR USB Tuner Receiver R820T+8232U Ham Radio Z07 Drop ship Product description: WHAT IS SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO (SDR)? WHAT IS THE RTL-SDR? The RTL-SDR is an extremely cheap software defined radio which is based on DVB-T TV (Digital HD TV) USB receiver dongles that have the RTL2832U chip in them. It was discovered by hardware hacker Eric Fry, Linux driver developer Antti Palosaari and the Osmocom team who were developing their own SDR that the RTL2832U chip had a mode which enabled SDR. Today, by using custom software drivers, a commonly used cheap RTL2832U can then be turned into a sophisticated SDR with features that would have until recently cost in the hundreds to thousands of dollars. Of course, the performance of these dongles will not match a dedicated SDR, but they perform extremely well for the price, and almost all hobbyist projects that can be done with expensive radios or SDRs can also be done with the rtl-sdr. A wideband SDR opens up many interesting possible projects and avenues to explore. Some applications of the RTL-SDR include the following, some of which will be discussed in more depth in the project tutorials chapter. Functions: Listening to unencrypted Police/Ambulance/Fire/EMS conversations. Listening to aircraft traffic control conversations. Decoding aircraft ACARS short messages. Scanning trunking radio conversations. Decoding unencrypted digital voice transmissions. Decoding POCSAG/FLEX pager traffic. Tracking and receiving meteorological agency launched weather balloon data. Product Specifics: Function: None Style: Portable Type: OTHER ★★★ Don't hesitate, Scroll to the top now and click Add to Cart to take this amazing product today.!