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How would you like to preserve your food and maintain its nutrients by way of dehydration? You want that for yourself and your family to avoid wastage and still keep the nutrients in our meals. What is dehydration? Dehydration is a means by which individuals store different types of food for indefinite periods by taking out the moisture, which thereby inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Dehydration is one of the oldest techniques of food preservation and was used by prehistoric individuals in sun-drying seeds and farm produce. Dehydration reduces waste Dehydration can help in the reduction of household waste by helping in preserving our meals. Dehydration helps in saving cost You can keep a lot of money when you make use of your food dehydrator and by buying fresh food items in large quantities when in season, or harvesting your own farm produce. This book"The Complete Dehydrator cookbook: The Beginners Ultimate Guide to Drying Food at home, Delicious and healthy hassle-free Recipes for cooking with dehydrated food." contains never seen before methods of preserving your foods and it focusses more on how you can maintain the nutritional values of your meals. Here are what you will discover in this book: The concept of food dehydration and what it entails Three hidden ways of dehydrating your meals 1 out of the four essential health benefits of food dehydration that can improve your health and quality of life Delicious and healthy dehydrated recipes WHO IS THIS BOOK FOR: This book is for: individuals who want to preserve their meals and still maintain their nutritional contents Individuals who want to improve their quality of life. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Are there new and hidden ways of dehydrating meals? Yes, there are secret and jealously guided methods of food dehydration. Are the recipes beginner friendly? Yes, the recipes contained in this great book are all beginner-friendly and easy to follow How am I sure that this book meets up to all that is promised here? you are sure of getting everything here and even more How can I get this book? Go ahead, Scroll to the top of the page and click the "Buy Now with 1-Click" Button to get your book instantly!