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Four page laminated quick reference guide showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use Mac OS X El Capitan. Written with Beezix's trademark focus on clarity, accuracy, and the user's perspective, this guide will be a valuable resource to improve your proficiency in using Mac OS X El Capitan. This guide is suitable as a training handout, or simply an easy to use reference guide, for any type of user. The following topics are covered: Starting an App (a Program); Using the Secondary/Right Click; Connecting to a Wi-Fi Network; Opening Files & Folders; Working with Windows; Adding a Printer; Using Stacks (Folder Shortcuts in the Dock); Finding the Cursor; Adding a Printer. Accessing Recently Used Files, Apps, or Servers; Switching Between Running Apps or Windows; Viewing Two Windows at the Same Time; Quitting an App; Quitting a Frozen App; Adding an App to the Dock; Moving the Dock; Hiding the Dock; Hiding the Menu Bar. Searching with Spotlight; Using Dictation; Using Text to Speech; Using the Dictionary; Using Notifications; Using Special Characters. Using Multiple Displays; Using Spaces (Virtual Desktops). Using the File System: Changing Views; Renaming Files or Folders; Sorting Files and Folders; Previewing Files Using Quicklook; Creating a Folder; Selecting Multiple Items; Moving or Copying Files or Folders; Using Tabs in Finder; Quickly Sharing Files or Folders; Compressing Files or Folders; Tagging Files or Folders; Deleting Files or Folders. Copying the Pathname for Files/Folders. Using the System Preferences; Changing Login Password; Adding Internet Accounts; Unlocking Settings; Managing Extensions; Changing iCloud Settings. Converting a File to a PDF; Taking Screenshots. Installing New Apps: Finding and Installing Apps in the App Store; Updating OS X & Purchased Apps; Other App Sources. Ending Your Computer Session. Includes a List of Keyboard Shortcuts, Trackpad Gestures, and links to blog posts for more detailed subjects. Other related titles are: iOS 9 Introduction for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch (ISBN 978-1944684037); iOS 9 Mail, Contacts & Calendar for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch (ISBN 978-1944684044); Mac OS X Mavericks Introduction (ISBN 978-1939791061).