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The product is manufactured in United states
The product is highly durable and easy to use
Easy installation and easy handling
Made of metal
Blower pulley
1-inch bore x 11-inch
Replacement part
Evaporative swamp cooler
Product Description LASCO 05-1188 Evaporative Swamp Cooler Round Blower Pulley, 1-Inch Bore x 11-Inch. Made of metal. Blower pulley. 1-inch bore x 11-inch. Replacement part. Evaporative swamp cooler. Replacement part. From the Manufacturer LASCO 05-1188 Evaporative Swamp Cooler Round Blower Pulley, 1-Inch Bore x 11-Inch. Made of metal. Blower pulley. 1-inch bore x 11-inch. Replacement part. Evaporative swamp cooler. Replacement part.